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Demystifying Sast, Dast, Iast, And Rasp

Application security testing is important in this increasingly fast-moving software development environment.

As threats evolve, developers need to embed significant security measures into each process of SDLC.

As the vulnerability of an application can be exploited even before it can be actually leaked, application security testing will identify such vulnerabilities and help mitigate them.

Understanding what these types of security testing are is important in having a stronger code to withstand the things happening in real life.

The words SAST, DAST, IAST, and RASP make all of this happen.

Each one means something unique, and they represent various methods for testing; understanding each one’s difference can mean all the difference when building stronger defenses for your applications.

Let’s break down what each of these security testing methods means, starting with SAST.


Type of TestingStatic (code-level)Dynamic (runtime analysis)Hybrid (combines static and dynamic testing)Runtime (continuous monitoring during execution)
When It’s UsedEarly in the development phase (before execution)During testing or production (after deployment)Throughout the development, testing, and production phasesIn production while the application is running
Testing ScopeSource code analysisApplication behavior in a running stateSource code + runtime behaviorApplication behavior at runtime, with real-time protection
Access to Source CodeRequires access to source codeNo access to source code requiredRequires source code and runtime contextNo source code access required
Detects VulnerabilitiesCode-related issues (e.g., insecure coding practices)Runtime issues (e.g., SQL injection, XSS)Code-level and runtime vulnerabilitiesRuntime threats, such as attacks or anomalies
False PositivesMore prone to false positivesFewer false positives but may miss code-level issuesLower false positives due to contextual analysisMinimal false positives; highly accurate
Real-Time ProtectionNoNoNoYes
Performance ImpactNone (static analysis)Can affect performance during testingMinimal, but requires both source code and app executionSome performance overhead during runtime
Setup ComplexityEasy to integrate with CI/CD pipelinesSimple to set up; requires a live or staging environmentMore complex; needs both code access and app executionComplex implementation and tuning required
Best Use CasesEarly development; catching vulnerabilities at the coding levelPre-deployment or production testing; identifying runtime issuesAgile/DevOps environments needing continuous testingReal-time protection in live production environments

What Is SAST (Static Application Security Testing)?

When it to SAST or Static Application Security Testing, it is a method to analyze an application’s code,, or binary without running the code.

This technique helps developers detect vulnerabilities early in the development process by scanning the code itself for weaknesses such as errors or insecure practices, in the application executed.

By scrutinizing the source code, SAST identifies concerns like SQL, cross-site (XSS), and other possible vulnerabilities.

Since it does not rely on a functioning application, it is typically integrated into the development phase, allowing developers to rectify flaws prior to the application’s launch.

Benefits of SAST

Detection in the Stage:

SAST enables developers to pinpoint and resolve vulnerabilities while preventing security issues from advancing to later development phases This proactive approach not only bolsters but also reduces the cost and effort needed for vulnerabilities postployment.

Integration with/CD Pipelines

SAST tools seamlessly merge into Continuous and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, facilitating automated code as part of the build process. This ensures consistent application security checks, fostering a focused development team and supporting faster without compromising security.

Challenges of SAST

May Lead to False Positives: A notable challenge of SAST is the risk of false positives, where the tool flags an issue that isn’t actually a vulnerability. This can result in unnecessary time spent investigating and addressing non-issues, which may frustrate developers.

Limited in Detecting Runtime Issues: SAST cannot evaluate how the application behaves during runtime, meaning it might overlook vulnerabilities that only appear when the application is in operation. Issues related to configuration, server settings, and other runtime factors may go undetected.

Best Use Cases for SAST

SAST is especially beneficial for developers during the coding phase, particularly in these situations:

👉🏼 Early Development: As code is being created, SAST assists developers in following secure coding practices, helping to prevent vulnerabilities from being ingrained in the codebase.

👉🏼 Code Reviews: Incorporating SAST into the code review process ensures that new contributions align with security standards before they are integrated into the main codebase.

👉🏼 Regulatory Compliance: For organizations that need to comply with industry regulations and standards (like PCI-DSS or HIPAA), SAST can offer essential documentation of security assessments throughout the development process.

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What Is DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing)?

Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) is a methodology aimed at uncovering vulnerabilities in a web application while it is actively running.

In contrast to Static Application Security Testing (SAST), which evaluates the source code, DAST mimics attacks on the application within its operational environment to detect security weaknesses that could be exploited by malicious actors.

DAST tools engage with the application through its user interface, assessing how the application reacts to different inputs and scenarios.

This approach enables DAST to pinpoint vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, and other runtime issues that only manifest when the application is in operation.

By analyzing the application from an external viewpoint, DAST offers valuable insights into its behavior under real-world conditions, making it a crucial element of a thorough security testing strategy.

What Are The Benefits of DAST?

✔️ Identifies Runtime Vulnerabilities: DAST has a high capability to detect runtime vulnerabilities that may be authentication flaws, misconfigurations, or vulnerabilities like SQL injection and cross-site scripting. It provides a real-world view of how an application behaves when exposed to attacks.

✔️ No Source Code Needs To Be Accessed: DAST works as a kind of black-box testing method, thus no source code needs to be accessed. This is, therefore appropriate for testing third-party applications or legacy systems where the source code may not be available.

✔️ Wide App Coverage: DAST interacts with the entire application and examines both server and client-side elements. It can simulate attacks and, therefore, can detect vulnerabilities in an application’s interaction with other systems.

✔️ Broad Coverage Across Application: Immediate Insights Since DAST executes tests against an application while it runs at runtime, real-time insight into how the application would respond to malicious inputs is immediately available. The way to get around runtime vulnerabilities is static methods cannot be done.

✔️ Real-Time Feedback: Since DAST tests the application while it’s running, it can provide immediate insights into how the application handles malicious inputs, which is essential for addressing runtime vulnerabilities that static methods might miss.

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What Are The Challenges of DAST?

Requires a Running Application: DAST requires a running application; it is difficult to apply early in the development cycle compared to the static testing approaches like SAST where the application needs to be deployed and operational, which may lead to vulnerabilities detected very late.

Only Tests at Runtime: DAST will test the application only at runtime and, therefore, not identify vulnerabilities in the underlying code that can sit in that code. It might miss issues like insecure coding that SAST or IAST could have picked up.

Skips Logic Errors: As DAST is focused on runtime behavior, it many times fails to pick up logical errors or flaws in the business logic that are not reflected through typical attack vectors.

Resource-Expensive: Running DAST scans is time-consuming, especially for large or complex applications since a tool needs to simulate various attacks and gather sufficient data on the application’s response.

False Negatives: Though DAST has fewer false positives compared to SAST, it can sometimes produce some false negatives, depending on the test conditions that are very hard to reproduce. This may allow some vulnerabilities to go unnoticed.

Best Use Cases for DAST

👉🏼 Web Applications in Production: DAST is considered successful for live web applications used in the real world.

It can identify most of those vulnerabilities that will happen during the actual running of the application, including SQL injections cross-site scripting (XSS), and authentication flaws.

👉🏼 Third-Party or Legacy Applications: DAST is just perfect when the source code is not available—like, of course, in third-party and legacy systems. Since DAST doesn’t need to analyze code, it really best fits into black-box testing scenarios.

👉🏼 Pre-Deployment Testing: Prior to going live, DAST can also simulate attacks in a staging or pre-production environment, identifying runtime vulnerabilities that would then have to be fixed before the application is put out to production users.

👉🏼 Regulatory Compliance Testing: DAST is also helpful for organizations operating in highly regulated industries such as healthcare, finance, and e-commerce, where compliance with security standards such as OWASP Top 10, and PCI-DSS is essentially a must. This is to ensure runtime vulnerability remediation and, therefore compliance with regulatory requirements.

👉🏼 Cloud-Based Applications: This can particularly suit cloud applications with DAST because you can test the entire infrastructure without access to your internal code, which can really assist in identifying vulnerabilities across distributed systems and cloud environments.

👉🏼 Penetration Testing Support: DAST can also aid penetration testing by providing automated vulnerability detection during dynamic execution. This will enable teams to get weaknesses through real-world attack simulations and provide a wider view of the security postures of the run time of the application.

👉🏼 Security Testing of Microservices: Security Testing in Microservices In modern architectures, like microservices architectures, DAST can be applied to test the dynamic interaction between various services and identify vulnerabilities in API connections or external integrations that may not be identified by static analysis.

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What Is IAST (Interactive Application Security Testing)?

IAST is the novel security test approach, which represents the merger of the best qualities of both Static Application Security Testing (SAST) and Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST).

The approach works by observing the application in real-time as it runs and works to identify vulnerabilities by analyzing the behavior of the application and code executions.

The IAST tools typically include them in the application’s runtime environment so that they can collect data about the code and how it interacts with the rest of the system.

Thus, a hybrid method gives IAST tools the capability of identifying an entire range of vulnerabilities – not only those that static analysis could identify, such as weak coding practice but also those where it is merely possible to observe at run-time, such as improper handling of input.

This is because IAST gives more comprehensive views on application security compared to static and dynamic analysis approaches, allowing developers to find and fix vulnerabilities much earlier and with increased precision than either of these techniques in isolation.

It is well-recognized that real-time feedback is very important in the context of DevOps, where continuous integration and delivery mean agile or effective security measures.

What Are The Benefits of IAST?

✔️ Real-Time Vulnerability Detection: It offers instant feedback through application monitoring in runtime, which allows the developer to correct the vulnerability in real time.

✔️ Comprehensive Coverage: Because IAST consists of both elements of SAST and DAST, it can exceed the scope of detection that both SAST and DAST can provide, as it detects various coding errors and runtime faults to carry out a comprehensive application security assessment.

✔️ Fewer False Positives: IAST provides far more context about an application’s behavior, thereby reducing false positives compared to the traditional SAST and DAST approaches. The developers can concentrate on actual security issues.

✔️ Enhanced Developer Collaborations: IAST’s detailed reporting and insights will facilitate a better understanding of vulnerabilities by developers and will enable them to collaborate efficiently with security teams in developing a security culture at the very onset of development.

✔️ Integrate with DevOps Practices: IAST will integrate cleanly into CI/CD pipelines so that there are tests related to security at every stage of the software development lifecycle. This can be ensured without allowing security to become an afterthought.

What Are The Challenges of IAST?

Complex Setup and Configuration: Setup and configuration of IAST may involve high complexity, especially in the complex environments involving the application, which makes it hard to deploy relatively quickly. It, therefore, calls for skilled individual knowledge.

Resource Intensity: The running of IAST may demand more resources in terms of processing power and memory, which affects performance if not well managed.

Limited Support for All Environments: There are IAST tools that do not support all languages or application environments, which might limit their use to a large variety of development stacks.

Interpretation of Application Context: It relies on detailed knowledge of the context of an application. If the application is weak in design and less clear in concept, this will impair the accuracy with which vulnerabilities are detected.

Overhead potential: Monitoring continuously always incurs some amount of runtime performance overhead that might be intolerable in applications that require high performance and resource sensitivity.

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Best Use Cases for IAST

👉🏼 Agile Development and DevOps Environments: Agile Development and DevOps Environments IAST is suitable for organizations following Agile or DevOps methodologies where CI/CD is the central nervous system.

It integrates very well into pipelines of CI/CD, providing real-time feedback to developers as well as to the security teams, which can then help address the vulnerabilities at the earliest stages of development.

👉🏼 Complex Web Application: IAST is indeed applicable for large, complex applications that need static code analysis in combination with real-time runtime vulnerability detection.

Complete coverage is possible due to this technique because issues in both the codebase and how the application works in the real world are covered.

👉🏼 Applications Requiring Compliance: Compliance Requirements Applications in regulated industries: For example, healthcare and finance organizations must have their application comply with demanding security standards such as OWASP Top 10 or PCI-DSS.

IAST would be extremely helpful in complementing that requirement at both code and run-time levels to ensure the application is secure.

👉🏼 High-Performance Applications: Because IAST runs with minimal impact on system resources, it is useful for applications that must maintain high performance. In such environments, security monitoring will not slow down the execution of applications.

👉🏼 Applications in Continuous Update: IAST monitors and tests updates in applications that come frequently and continuously secure updates as new features in the code or updates do not introduce any vulnerability and hence stabilize security in fast-moving software development cycles.

👉🏼 The Development Teams Engaging in Security Cross-Functional Collaboration: The IAST is highly helpful for the teams who are focused much on the collaboration between the developers and the security teams.

The real-time insights and detailed vulnerability reports given by IAST will ensure smoother workflow which allows both these teams to collaborate efficiently in the identification and fixing process of the security issues.

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What Is RASP (Runtime Application Self-Protection)?

Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP) is an emerging security technology that prevents modern-day enterprise applications from being run in hostile environments.

RASP technology monitors and protects applications running in real time, based on the principles of understanding the context and behavior of the application itself.

This technology embeds within the application itself to understand the context and behavior in real-time, whereas traditional security measures are outside of the application.

Conversely, instead of passively waiting for the detection of threats, RASP uses its tendency to actively analyze the behavior of an application and the interaction of users with inflowing data to detect threats at the occurrence of events.

This approach allows RASP to automatically prevent the attacks and prevent runtime-oriented threats like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).

RASP allows security to be integrated directly into the application, giving several advantages: reduced false positives, customization of security responses based on the exact behavior of the application, and improved visibility into security incidents.

This makes RASP a strong tool for organizations looking to protect their applications in production and thus ensure that their security measures are active and adaptive to newly emerging threats.

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What Are The Benefits of RASP?

🟢 Real-Time Vulnerability Detection: Since the very nature of a RASP is to monitor the application in real-time, it has the capability to identify and react to security threats in real-time as they occur and thereby provides quick remediation of vulnerabilities and reduce successful attacks.

🟢 More Accurate Than Static and Dynamic Testing Alone: Since RASP combines the best of both static and dynamic testing, it can more accurately identify vulnerabilities.

Due to its familiarity with context and behavior within the application, false positives are lower and the possible security risks are much better understood in the process.

What Are The Challenges of RASP?

Complex Setup and Implementation: It is a very complex implementation because RASP requires serious integration with the application and its environment.

It means there could be a higher deployment time and also in some cases changes in the architecture of the application.

Minimal Support: Though it can be quite effective for most applications, RASP doesn’t offer support for all programming languages and runtime environments.

This will effectively mean that its applicability could be curtailed since it might not be particularly well-suited to diverse development stacks or legacy systems.

Best Use Cases for RASP

RASP is particularly beneficial in the following scenarios:

👉🏼 Production Environments: RASP is good for deploying to applications that are in production and under real-world attacks. It provides constant application protection without touching code or requiring downtime.

👉🏼 Sensitive Applications: RASP is good for applications that process sensitive data or operate on sensitive operations. It offers another layer of protection that could prevent exploitation in case vulnerabilities do exist.

👉🏼 Compliance requirement: RASP is useful in showing that the organization is committed to ongoing security measures. Organizations that are in a state of being regulated, offer protection and constant monitoring and therefore find it beneficial.

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Which Security Testing Method Is Right for You?

Thus, with many appropriate methods of security testing, several factors become paramount when choosing an appropriate method.

There is a wide-ranging strategy whereby each has its strengths and limitations, so your choice should strictly depend on the specific need for your product.

Development Stage: SAST could be a better choice if you are in an early stage of development since you are going to use it during that phase to identify vulnerabilities before it has the chance to execute the code.

Once you are testing and deploying, the techniques would have to be DAST, IAST, or RASP when it needs to determine runtime problems.

Type of Application: Every one of the above applications -web application, mobile app, or experiences different types of security risks. DAST, for example, is excellent for web applications, whereas the RASP is very great for those applications in production mode that need protection in real-time.

Resource Availability: Your time, money, and team expertise are considered. In comparison, SAST and DAST tools are not very complicated; IAST and RASP are pretty resource-intensive in terms of setup and integration and, above all, in ongoing management.

If you don’t have so much money or expertise, starting with more modest testing techniques could make better sense before scaling up.

Why a Hybrid or Combination is Best?

One technique alone cannot reveal all the risks. SAST is good at catching problems in code at an early stage but does not discover runtime flaws.

DAST tests it on a live environment with zero insight into the source code. IAST is a hybrid and RASP alone offers continuous protection at runtime.

The reason is that all methods will give full security coverage from development to deployment.

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What’s the main difference between SAST vs DAST vs IAST vs RASP?

SAST analyzes source code for vulnerabilities before execution.
DAST tests the application during runtime without needing the code.
IAST combines both SAST and DAST to detect vulnerabilities in code and during runtime.
RASP offers real-time protection by monitoring and responding to threats during execution.

How does SAST help in the development process?

SAST helps identify security vulnerabilities early in the coding phase, allowing developers to fix issues before the application is executed or deployed.

Is DAST effective for web applications?

Yes, DAST is particularly effective for web applications, as it simulates attacks and identifies vulnerabilities during the application’s runtime.

Why is IAST considered a hybrid security testing method?

IAST combines both static and dynamic analysis, enabling it to detect security issues in both the application’s code and its runtime behavior.

What makes RASP different from other security tools?

RASP provides real-time protection by monitoring the application during runtime and actively preventing threats as they occur, unlike other tools that only detect vulnerabilities.


In today’s evolving digital landscape, integrating security testing throughout the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is critical.

By adopting a multi-layered approach with a combination of SAST, DAST, IAST, and RASP, you can significantly reduce the risk of vulnerabilities going unnoticed, ensuring your applications are secure from development to deployment.

Consider implementing these testing methods to secure your applications effectively and protect against future threats. A proactive, layered security strategy is key to building resilient, trustworthy applications.