9 Best AI Tools For Developers Productivity in 2024

Emily Kate Avatar
Discover the ultimate efficiency in coding with the best AI tools for developers. Revolutionize your development experience seamlessly.

Are you prepared to explore the exciting world of AI tools for developers? We’ll look at some of the best tools that make coding easier in this blog post.

These AI technologies function similarly to a virtual assistant for your programming duties! They’re like your code assistants, offering advice and assistance in identifying mistakes.

These tools will help you become a better developer, regardless of experience level.

Prepare to learn about the top AI partners that will contribute to a more enjoyable and seamless coding experience. Together, let’s explore the possibilities of AI in the field of coding!

What are AI Programming Tools?

AI programming tools are software applications that use artificial intelligence (AI) to assist programmers in various aspects of the coding process.

These tools, sometimes known as AI co-pilots or coding assistants, are fast-changing the landscape of software development by improving efficiency, accuracy, and overall productivity.

What are the benefits of using AI tools for programming?

The upcoming world of artificial intelligence has many benefits on programming languages. And here is how, it will help different industries:

Repetitive Task Automation: AI solutions automate routine coding activities such as formatting and mistake detection, decreasing manual labor and errors.

Code Completion: AI-powered code completion provides appropriate snippets, increasing efficiency by eliminating the need for manual typing.

Pattern Recognition: Machine learning techniques scan vast codebases to uncover patterns that can be used to improve efficiency and code quality.

Bug Detection and Resolution: AI tools aid in the detection and resolution of defects, hence enhancing overall code reliability.

Efficient Code Reviews: Automated code reviews simplify cooperation while also assuring best practices adherence and enhancing code quality.

Accelerated Development: AI speeds up the development process, allowing engineers to focus on innovative problem solving rather than mundane jobs.

List of top AI tools for Developers

1️⃣ ChatGPT

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot that enables developers to include the ChatGPT model into their applications and products.

Developers can now use state-of-the-art speech-to-text and language capabilities.

Benefits of ChatGPT

  • Accelerated Development: Generates code, documentation, and creative text, saving time and effort.
  • Problem-Solving Assistance: Helps debug code and troubleshoot issues.
  • Knowledge Expansion: Provides access to a vast knowledge base of programming concepts and best practices.
  • Continuous Learning: Evolves with new data and usage patterns, improving its capabilities over time.

Limitations of ChatGPT

  • Context Sensitivity: Requires clear and specific prompts for optimal results.
  • Explainability: Often lacks transparency in its reasoning processes, making it challenging to understand its decision-making.

ChatGPT Reviews and Ratings

ChatGPT Pricing



For those who are just starting started with ChatGPT.

Unlimited messages, interactions, and history

Access to our GPT-3.5 model

Access on Web, iOS, and Android



Everything in Free, and:

Access to GPT-4, our most capable model

Browse, create, and use GPTs

Access to other resources such as Browsing, DALL·E, Advanced Data Analysis, and more

2️⃣ GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot is an AI programming tool that acts as your pair programmer, making code ideas in real time while you type.

It works by evaluating your code and context to generate relevant completions, functions, and even complete code blocks. It was created by GitHub and OpenAI.

Benefits for Copilot

  • Reduced errors: The AI checks for syntax errors and suggests best practices, leading to cleaner and more reliable code.
  • Exploration and learning: Copilot can expose you to new libraries, APIs, and coding patterns, helping you expand your skillset and explore new avenues.
  • Improved focus: With less time spent on repetitive tasks, developers can concentrate on the bigger picture and creative aspects of coding.

Limitations for Copilot

  • Security: As Copilot accesses your code, security concerns exist. GitHub maintains security measures, but it’s important to be aware of the potential risks.
  • Ethical considerations: Copilot’s ability to generate entire code blocks raises concerns about plagiarism and the role of human creativity in coding.

Copilot Reviews and Ratings

Copilot Pricing



Unlimited Public/Private Repositories

Automatic Security and Updates

2000 CI/CD Minutes/Month

500MB of Packages Storage – Free For Public Repositories

Issues & Projects

Community Support


  • GitHub Copilot Access
  • GitHub Codespaces Access



Everything included in Free, plus.

Access to GitHub Codespaces

3000 CI/CD Minutes/Month

2GBGB of Packages Storage

Web-Based Support

Protected Branches

Multiple Reviewers in Pull Requests

Draft Pull Requests

Code Owners

Requires Reviewers

Pages With Wikies



Everything included in Team, plus.

Manage Users

50000 CI/CD Minutes/Month

50GBGB of Packages Storage

Environment Protection Rules

User Provisioning Through SCIM

Repository Rules

SOC1, SOC2, type 2 Reports Annually

FedRamp Tailored Authority Of Operate

Single Sign On

Github Connect

3️⃣ Tabnine

Tabnine is an AI tool for developers that can assist in writing code more quickly and precisely.

It analyzes your code context in real-time and suggests suitable completions, snippets, and even full functions based on machine learning algorithms.

Benefits of Tabnine

  • Improved accuracy: Tabnine suggests valid and context-aware code, reducing errors and bugs.
  • Language diversity: Supports over 50 programming languages, making it versatile for different projects.
  • Code refactoring suggestions: Identifies areas for code improvement and recommends refactoring options.
  • Integrated with popular IDEs: Works seamlessly with Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA, Sublime Text, and more.
  • Knowledge expansion: Discovers new libraries and code patterns based on your coding habits.
  • Customizable: Fine-tune Tabnine’s behavior to match your preferences and coding style.

Limitations of Tabnine

  • Accuracy can vary: Suggestions might not always be perfect, especially with complex code or unfamiliar libraries.
  • Privacy concerns: The free version uses anonymized data for training, while the paid version offers privacy options.
  • Potential for code dependence: Overreliance on suggestions could hinder independent learning and problem-solving skills.

Tabnine Reviews and Ratings

Tabnine Pricing



Short code completions (2 to 3 words)

Community support



Top all-purpose AI models with up to 100 users

AI code completions:

  • Whole-line & full-function code completions
  • Natural language to code completions

Standard support


Contact Sales

Custom and private AI models -Unlimited users

Private deployment: On-prem or VPC
Your code stays entirely confidential and never leaves your environment.

Custom AI models
for completions of codes – customized for your code

In-IDE chatBeta
Generate unit tests and documentation, get explanations for legacy code, and more.

Private AIcoming soon
Chat with your codebase and connect to your repos.

Single sign-on (SSO)

Premium support

Repository Rules

SOC1, SOC2, type 2 Reports Annually

FedRamp Tailored Authority Of Operate

Single Sign On

Github Connect

4️⃣ CodeT5

CodeT5 is an open-source AI programming tool developed exclusively to understand and generate code.

It is primarily intended for developers who want to improve their productivity, code quality, and overall development experience.

Benefits of CodeT5

  • Accelerated development: Saves time by automating repetitive coding tasks.
  • Enhanced code quality: Generates code that adheres to best practices and is less prone to errors.
  • Increased accessibility: Makes coding more accessible to developers with varying levels of experience.
  • Streamlined collaboration: Facilitates communication and understanding within development teams.

Limitations of CodeT5

  • Complexity: Requires a solid understanding of AI and programming concepts to use effectively.
  • Debugging challenges: Generated code may still require debugging and testing.
  • Limited scope: Not suitable for all programming tasks, especially those requiring creativity or problem-solving.

CodeT5 Pricing

CodeT5 is an open-source project available on GitHub. It’s a Salesforce Research model for Code Understanding and Generation. It is free to use because it is open source.

5️⃣ Mintlify

Mintlify is an AI programming platform that helps developers, product managers, and support teams streamline their documentation processes.

It reads code and generates documentation to explain it, utilizing technologies such as natural language processing and web scraping2.

Benefits of Mintlify

  • Time Savings: Automates tedious documentation tasks, freeing up time for development.
  • Improved Code Readability: Clear and concise documentation enhances code understanding for both the author and others.
  • Reduced Errors: Clear documentation can lead to fewer mistakes in code usage and maintenance.
  • Better Collaboration: Shared understanding of code promotes teamwork and knowledge transfer.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Well-documented code is easier to learn and use, fostering adoption and satisfaction.

Limitations of Mintlify

  • Accuracy: AI-generated documentation may need human review and refinement for optimal accuracy.
  • Language Support: Currently supports a limited number of programming languages.
  • Customization: Options for customizing documentation style and layout may be restricted.

Mintlify Reviews and Ratings

  • G2 Crowd: 5 out of 5 stars (2 reviews)
  • JetBrains Marketplace: 4.6 out of 5 stars (33 reviews)
  • Product Hunt: 5 out of 5 stars (5 reviews)

Mintlify Pricing



Beautiful styling out of the box

Custom domain


Auto-generated API docs

Built-in components library

Third-party analytics integrations

In-app search



The Free plan plus:

Up to 5 editors

Advanced analytics

ChatGPT for docs

Chat analytics

User feedback

Custom subpaths /docs

White-glove migrations



The Startup plan plus:

Up to 15 editors

Preview deployments

Multiple repo sources


Custom global CSS and JS

GitLab support



The Growth plan plus:

Unlimited editors

Advanced security

Remove Mintlify branding

Custom authentication

Custom integrations

Custom SLA agreement

6️⃣ Amazon CodeWhisperer

Amazon CodeWhisperer is an AI tool for developers that works in the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and command line.

Based on your comments and existing code, it offers real-time code suggestions.

Benefits of Amazon CodeWhisperer

  • Increased Productivity: Streamlines code writing by suggesting tailored code solutions, potentially reducing development time significantly.
  • Reduced Repetitive Tasks: Minimizes the need for manual coding of common patterns, freeing developers to focus on more creative and complex tasks.
  • Enhanced Learning and Exploration: Enables developers to experiment with different coding techniques and learn from the AI’s suggestions.
  • Improved Code Quality: Can suggest code that adheres to best practices and security guidelines, potentially reducing errors and vulnerabilities.

Limitations of Amazon CodeWhisperer

  • Potential for Over-Reliance: Over-dependence on CodeWhisperer could lead to reduced coding skills and knowledge over time.
  • Debugging and Understanding: Developers still need to understand the generated code to ensure its correctness and troubleshoot any issues.

Amazon CodeWhisperer Pricing



In-line code suggestions

Public code filter and reference tracking

Amazon Q chat in IDE (preview)

Security vulnerability scanning and suggested remediations – 50/user/month

Command line integration



In-line code suggestions

Public code filter and reference tracking

Customizations for your organization (preview)

Amazon Q chat in IDE (preview)

Amazon Q feature development (preview)

Amazon Q Code Transformation (preview)

Security vulnerability scanning and suggested remediations -500/user/month

Organizational license and management

Command line integration

7️⃣ AskCodi

AskCodi is an AI code assistant that helps developers write code faster and with less work.

It provides various applications for code generation, unit test creation, documentation, and code conversions. AskCodi is operated by OpenAI GPT, a system that uses AI created by OpenAI.

Benefits of AskCodi

  • Boosted Learning: Facilitates understanding of code through explanations and examples.
  • Streamlined Collaboration: Enables sharing of code with clear documentation and comments.
  • Reduced Cognitive Load: Takes over mundane tasks, freeing up mental energy for creative problem-solving.
  • Seamless Integration: AskCodi Integrations for major IDEs allow developers to start working with AI quickly.

Limitations of Askcodi

  • Reliance on Training Data: Quality of generated code depends on the accuracy and breadth of training data.
  • Contextual Understanding: May not always grasp complex coding scenarios or domain-specific nuances.

AskCodi Reviews and Ratings

AskCodi Pricing


$249 room/year

Book & manage meetings

Modern Outlook add-in

Mobile app for booking

Grid view for all bookings

Meeting dashboards

Basic support

Native Exchange integration

SSO & AD user management

Utilization insights

Desks $72/year



All Essentials features

Service requests via Outlook

Connecting service teams

Custom automated workflows

Business rules and deadlines

Business rules and deadlines

Export data & API access

Customized reporting

Check-lists for services

Desks $144/year

8️⃣ CodeWP

CodeWP is an AI tool for programmers that uses massive language models and specific training on WordPress code to automate development operations.

It allows developers to generate code samples, obtain answers to inquiries, debug problems, and manage projects more quickly and efficiently.

Benefits of CodeWP

  • Accelerated Development: Generate code snippets for various WordPress components (plugins, custom post types, taxonomies, ACF fields, etc.) through natural language prompts, saving time and effort.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Quickly find answers to coding questions, troubleshoot issues, and explore new coding techniques through a conversational interface.
  • Streamlined Project Management: Organize and manage code snippets and projects within the platform for better collaboration and version control.
  • Customization: Create custom AI modes tailored to specific development needs.
  • Continuous Learning: The AI improves over time, offering increasingly accurate and helpful code generation and responses.

Limitations of CodeWP

  • Accuracy: While generally accurate, generated code may require manual review and adjustments for optimal functionality.
  • Complexity: Not ideal for building highly complex or custom WordPress solutions from scratch.
  • Dependency: Relies on access to the internet and the CodeWP servers to function.

CodeWP Reviews and Ratings

CodeWP Pricing



100 free actions per month

1 project included

Free modes only

Limited chat and generation functionality

Community support



10,000 actions per month

4 projects included

28+ plugin specific AI modes for code and chat

Troubleshooting and security (coming soon)

Platform support



Unlimited actions per month

3 team members included

Collaborative features

Unlimited projects

Custom modes/AI (coming soon)

Premium support

9️⃣ DeepCode

DeepCode AI is an effective solution that uses artificial intelligence to improve code quality and security.

It is intended to help developers find and resolve coding flaws, bugs, and vulnerabilities in real time.

Benefits of DeepCode

  • Detects critical bugs and vulnerabilities traditional tools miss
  • Provides real-time feedback within IDEs
  • Offers context-aware suggestions for fixes
  • Continuously learns from code patterns
  • Integrates with popular development workflows

Limitations of DeepCode

  • Focuses on security and quality, not broader code analysis
  • May require adjustments to align with specific coding styles
  • Can generate false positives

DeepCode Reviews and Ratings

  • Software Suggest: 4.5 out of 5 stars (10 reviews)

DeepCode Pricing



Open Source Repos



Private Repos


Contact Sales


Private Repos

Custom Features

Custom Integrations

How to choose the right AI tools for Programmers?

Choosing the right AI tool for programmers is similar to selecting the best power-up for your coding journey. Here’s how to advance:

  • Understand your quest: Define your objectives. What kind of AI superpower do you require? Debugging aid, code completion, or automated testing?
  • Examine your statistics: Consider your level of expertise and chosen programming languages. Some tools necessitate a higher level of coding ability than others.
  • Join the party: Look for tools that work in tandem with your current workflow and IDE.
  • Put the talents to the test: Try out free trials or demonstrations to determine if the tool’s AI magic matches your coding approach.
  • Read the reviews: Look for real-world comments from fellow developers in online networks and forums.

What are the best AI tools for software developers?

Here are some of the greatest AI tools for software developers:

  • GitHub Copilot: GitHub Copilot is an AI coding helper that turns natural language queries into code suggestions.
  • SpellBox: An AI coding tool that aids in the automation of coding sessions.
  • AiXcoder: AI-powered coding aid.
  • Rainbird, TensorFlow, Infosys Nia, AWS AI Services, Microsoft Azure AI Platform, and H2O.ai: These tools provide unique benefits for developers.
  • ClickUp: Automates documentation creation and aids in the rapid resolution of code errors.


In a nutshell, the field of AI tools for developers is an exciting frontier that is reshaping the coding world.

From ChatGPT’s and GitHub Copilot’s amazing code generating capabilities to Tabnine’s and CodeT5’s precision and variety, these tools are indispensable companions on the coding journey.

Each tool has its own set of advantages, whether it’s for increasing productivity, improving code quality, or making collaboration easier.

As developers investigate these AI co-pilots, the confluence of human brilliance and artificial intelligence promises a future in which coding is not only more efficient but also more pleasant and creatively gratifying.

Accept the transformation and allow these AI partners to improve your coding experience!

Can AI replace Java developers?

Although unlikely to be completely replaced, it can automate routine operations and development aid. Consider it a powerful tool, not a job thief.

How can I use AI as a developer?

As a Developer, You Can Use AI:

  • Generation and completion of code
  • Detection and refactoring of bugs
  • Optimization and testing
  • Tools for documentation and collaboration

Will AI Replace Programmers?

No, it is more likely to enhance and empower developers, increasing their productivity and efficiency. It will handle the routine, leaving humans in charge of innovation and complicated problem solving.

Which software is best for AI programming?

It depends on your goals! Here are a few popular options:

  • GitHub Copilot
  • Tabnine
  • Amazon CodeWhisperer
  • Askcodi

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