5 Efficient AI Question Answer Generator [ Free & Paid ]

Emily Kate Avatar
Find the Best AI Question Answering Tools of 2024! Top picks include Bard, Claude, ChatGPT, Copilot, and Ask AI. Choose wisely!
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  • Questions & Answers Generator
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  • Free Questions & Answers Generator
  • Question answer generator for students
  • AI Question Answer Generator Tool

Ever wondered, students, how we can instantly get answers to our questions in this digital age? The secret lies in AI Question Answer Generator Tool.

These tools, powered by advanced algorithms and vast databases, can provide precise answers to our queries in a jiffy.

Some of the best ones include Google Bard, Claude, ChatGPT, Copilot, and AskAI.

They are revolutionizing the way we learn and interact with information, making our quest for knowledge more efficient and enjoyable.

So, let’s dive into the fascinating world of AI Question Answering Tools and explore how they’re shaping our digital learning experience.

Top AI Question Answering Tools to Use in 2024

1️⃣ Gemini By Google

G2: 4.4 out of 5 stars (38 reviews)

Gemini by Google is a sophisticated AI Question Answer Generator Tool, engineered to deliver precise and succinct responses to a broad spectrum of inquiries.

It employs cutting-edge natural language processing algorithms to comprehend and reply to user queries in a dialogue-like manner.

Features of Gemini

  • Natural Language Understanding: Gemini has the capability to process and respond to inquiries phrased in everyday, conversational language.
  • Wide Knowledge Base: Gemini’s extensive information repository enables it to respond to a diverse array of questions.
  • Contextual Understanding: Gemini can comprehend the context of a dialogue and tailor its responses accordingly.
  • Multilingual Support: Gemini has the ability to comprehend and respond in various languages.
  • Continuous Learning: With each interaction, Gemini enhances its knowledge, thereby refining its responses.

Limitations of Gemini

  • Limited to Textual Queries: Gemini’s understanding and response generation is confined to text-based inquiries.
  • Lack of Personalization: Gemini is unable to customize responses based on the unique preferences of individual users.
  • Lack of Emotion Understanding: Gemini’s comprehension of emotions is not on par with human understanding, which may occasionally result in misinterpretations during conversations.

Gemini Advanced Pricing

You can get Google One AI Premium plan premium subscription, which costs $19.99 per month. The plan also includes other benefits like 2TB of cloud storage, exclusive Google Meet features, and a VPN.

What You Get With Google One AI Premium Plan
✔️ Gemini Advanced with our latest AI innovations
✔️ With our next-generation model, 1.5 Pro
✔️ Get access to a 1 million token context window
✔️ Access new and exclusive features
✔️ Also included in this Google One subscription
✔️ Gemini in Gmail, Docs, and more
✔️ 2 TB of storage
✔️ Other Google One premium benefits

2️⃣ Claude

4.7 out of 5 stars (‎22 reviews by G2)

Claude is a sophisticated system engineered for answering questions.

It uses cutting-edge techniques in natural language processing to deliver precise and relevant answers to user inquiries.

Features of Claude

  • Natural Language Understanding: Claude has the ability to comprehend and respond to inquiries in a conversational manner.
  • Broad Knowledge Base: Claude is equipped with a comprehensive database, enabling it to answer a diverse range of topics.
  • Contextual Understanding: Claude can grasp the context of a conversation and provide appropriate responses.
  • Multilingual Support: Claude has the capability to communicate in various languages, making it user-friendly across the globe.
  • Continuous Learning: Claude is programmed to learn and enhance its performance over time, thereby improving its accuracy and usefulness.

Limitations of Claude

  • Limited to Textual Input: Claude can process and respond only to text-based inquiries. It is incapable of handling other formats like images or audio.
  • Lack of Real-Time Information: Claude’s knowledge is derived from pre-existing data and may not have the most recent information.
  • Absence of Personal Experience: Being an AI, Claude lacks personal experiences or emotions, and its responses are devoid of personal opinions or sentiments.

Claude Pricing

Claude InsClaude 2Claude 2.1
Use cases with low latency and high throughputsuperior performance in activities involving sophisticated reasoningSimilar performance to Claude 2, but with a notable decline in the rates of model hallucinations
PromptPrompt $8.00/million tokensPrompt $8.00/million tokens
$0.80/million tokens$24.00/million tokens$24.00/million tokens
$2.40/million tokensCompletion $24.00/million tokensCompletion $24.00/million tokenspen_spark

3️⃣ ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a tool of OpenAI’s cutting-edge technology. It’s built to produce text that mirrors human conversation.

When it comes to answering questions, it can comprehend a broad spectrum of inquiries and deliver comprehensive answers.

Features of ChatGPT

  • Natural Language Understanding: The ability of ChatGPT to comprehend and generate responses in a conversational manner is remarkable.
  • Context Awareness: It has the capability to remember the context of a conversation and respond accordingly.
  • Multilingual Support: It has the proficiency to communicate in various languages.
  • Content Generation: It has the creativity to produce content like stories, poems, and even programming code.
  • Error Correction: It can spot mistakes in the conversation and correct them by providing the right information.

Limitations of ChatGPT

  • Outdated Information: The knowledge it possesses is only up-to-date until a certain point (2021), and it may not have the latest information.
  • Lack of Personal Experience: Being an AI, it doesn’t have personal experiences or emotions, and it can’t form opinions.
  • Inability to Access Real-Time Data: It can’t access or retrieve personal data unless explicitly provided during the conversation. It also can’t interact with other software or perform actions on the internet.

ChatGPT Pricing

For individuals who are new to ChatGPT. They offer frequent upgrades to the model and access to the GPT-3.5 model.To take use of all the benefits of Free plus the ability to use the most powerful model, GPT-4, faster response times, and beta features like extensive data analysis, plugins, and browsing, upgrade to Plus.

4️⃣ Microsoft Bing Copilot

Copilot is an innovative AI tool for answering questions and enhance your current knowledge base. Not only is it a sophisticated search engine, though!

Copilot employs a conversational approach to comprehend your intent and provide pertinent, contextual responses, going beyond basic keyword matching.

Features of Copilot

  • Conversational Interface: Ask natural language questions and get natural language answers, just like chatting with a knowledgeable friend.
  • Contextual Awareness: Copilot remembers the flow of your conversation and uses that context to interpret your subsequent questions, leading to more accurate and personalized answers.
  • Multi-source Knowledge Integration: Draw from your internal knowledge base, external websites, and other data sources to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date picture.
  • Task Support: Beyond answers, Copilot can generate helpful outputs like emails, summaries, and scripts, enhancing your productivity.
  • Continuous Learning: Copilot constantly learns and adapts from user interactions and new data, improving its responses over time.

Limitations of Copilot

  • Accuracy Dependence: The quality of Copilot’s answers relies heavily on the quality of the underlying data sources. Inaccurate or biased data can lead to misleading responses.
  • Limited Fact-Checking: While Copilot tries to avoid incorrect information, it cannot guarantee factual accuracy, especially for complex or open-ended questions.
  • Misunderstandings: Like any AI system, Copilot can misinterpret your query due to ambiguity or lack of context. Asking clarifying questions helps ensure precise understanding.

Copilot Pricing

Pricing for specific users is not currently available:

People cannot currently obtain Microsoft Copilot directly. There was a brief public preview, but it is no longer available.

For business:

  • Microsoft 365 Copilot: The primary corporate edition of Copilot. Microsoft 365 E3, E5, Business Standard, and Business Premium users pay a monthly cost of $30. They hope to make it generally available in the next months, even if it is not already available.
  • Microsoft Sales Copilot: it is a customized version of Copilot designed specifically for salespeople. It also costs $50 per month for each user and is presently only accessible as an add-on.

5️⃣ AskAI

AskAI is a complex AI question answering tool that aims to respond to user inquiries with precision and contextual relevance. It makes use of cutting-edge natural language processing methods to comprehend queries and provide conversational answers.

Features of AskAI

  • Natural Language Understanding: AskAI can understand and respond to questions posed in natural, conversational language.
  • Contextual Relevance: It takes into account the context of the conversation to provide more relevant answers.
  • Multi-domain Knowledge: AskAI has a broad knowledge base, covering a wide range of topics.
  • Real-time Responses: It provides quick and real-time responses to user queries.
  • User-friendly Interface: AskAI offers an intuitive and easy-to-use interface for users.

Limitations of AskAI

  • Limited Knowledge Base: While AskAI covers a wide range of topics, its knowledge base is not exhaustive and may not have information on some niche or very recent topics.
  • Lack of Personalization: AskAI does not personalize responses based on individual user preferences or past interactions.

AskAI Pricing

Got it! Here’s the pricing table formatted into three separate columns for Free, Essentials, and Pro plans:

PricePrice: $13.30/monthPrice: $66/month
For incredibly tiny businesses wanting to try out the service.For small businesses establishing their MVP.For SaaS businesses generating revenue.
– 50 talks every month– 200 talks per month– 1,000 talks every month
– Sync and add 500 websites– Add and synchronize an infinite number of webpages– Add and synchronize an infinite number of webpages
– Transfer to email or live chat– Transfer to email or live chat– Transfer to email or live chat
– Infinite site searches– Infinite site searches– Infinite site searches
– Unique opening queries and activities– Unique opening queries and activities– Unique opening queries and activities
– Fundamental insights and analytics– Fundamental insights and analytics– Sophisticated analysis and insights
– Make your branding unique– Make your branding unique– Make your branding unique
– Community assistance– Email assistance plus web chat– Priority email/chat plus Zoom assistance
– Share via an embed code or link– Share via an embed code or link– Share via an embed code or link
– Weekly auto-adding of new webpages– Weekly auto-adding of new webpages
– $25 per extra team seat per month– One team seat included; each additional seat $25/month
– Adjust the tone and response style
– Record user correspondence
– Export dialogue information
– GDPR adherence
– $99/month for every additional 1,000 talks
– Connect Notion and Google Drive for daily synchronization
– Add-ons: WhatsApp, Slack, Teams, Zapier, and API access

Tips To Choose The Best AI Tools for Answering Questions

Choosing the right AI tool for answering questions requires careful consideration. Here are some quick tips:

Understand Your Needs: First, pinpoint what you’re looking to achieve. This could range from handling customer queries to generating content.

Explore the AI Tools: A wide array of AI tools are at your disposal, each with their own unique advantages. Do your homework and understand what each tool brings to the table to find your perfect match.

Consider the Features: Pay attention to the features that AI tools offer. Some tools, for example, come with a comprehensive set of features that make the process of creating content a breeze.

Data Security: It’s crucial that the AI tool you select takes data privacy seriously and doesn’t use your data for training its AI.

Cost-Effectiveness: Keep in mind the cost of the AI tool. Some tools provide a free trial period, after which you’ll need to pay a monthly fee.

Regular Use: The more frequently you use the tool, the more value you’ll get out of it.


In conclusion, we’ve journeyed through the fascinating world of AI Question Answering.

We’ve explored how AI tools aid in answering questions and highlighted the top AI tools to use in 2024, including Bard, Claude, ChatGPT, Copilot, and AskAI.

We’ve also provided insights on how to wisely choose these tools. As we stand on the brink of a new era where AI is increasingly becoming a part of our daily lives, it’s crucial to understand and utilize these tools effectively.

We hope this article has shed light on this subject and will serve as a guide in your AI journey. Remember, the future is not just about technology, but how we use it.

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Emily Kate Avatar

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