9 Best AI Coding Tools for Developers in 2024

Emily Kate Avatar
unveiling 2024's top AI coding tools: GitHub Copilot, Amazon CodeWhisperer, and more. Revolutionize your coding experience now! 🚀

Exploring the forefront of technological innovation, the year 2024 unveils a dynamic landscape of AI coding tools poised to revolutionize programming.

As developers seek efficiency and precision, these tools promise an unparalleled coding experience.

From advanced code completion to automated bug detection, they usher in a new era of productivity.

Join us on a journey through the best AI coding tools of 2024, unlocking the potential to streamline development processes, enhance code quality, and pave the way for a future where artificial intelligence and programming seamlessly converge. 🚀 #AICodingTools2024

What is AI coding?

AI coding is the technique of leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to write or help produce code for various programming jobs. AI coding tool can help developers save time, enhance accuracy, and explore new coding options.

How AI helps coders?

Artificial Intelligence helps coders in variety of ways:

  • Generating code from natural language descriptions, saving time and effort
  • Suggesting code completions as you type, making coding flow smoother and more efficient
  • Reviewing code for potential errors, security issues, and style inconsistencies, helping produce cleaner and more secure code.
  • Detecting bugs in code before deployment, saving time and preventing costly errors
  • Suggesting optimizations for performance and readability, helping create better, more performant applications

What are the benefits of using AI coding tools?

By using AI coding tools, you can get plenty of key benefits from it. Here are some of the important benefits to keep in mind:

  • Boosting productivity: automating repetitive tasks, providing intelligent code suggestions, and freeing you for creative work.
  • Enhancing code quality: identifying and fixing errors, improving readability and performance, and bolstering security.
  • Empowering non-experts: making coding accessible with guidance and automation, and accelerating learning curves.
  • Speeding up development: streamlining processes, enabling rapid prototyping, and delivering solutions faster.
  • Sparking innovation: encouraging experimentation, suggesting new approaches, and unlocking creative possibilities.

9 Best AI Coding Assistants Tools

1️⃣ GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot is an AI pair programmer tool that helps developers write code faster and smarter.

It suggests code completions as you type and turns natural language prompts into coding suggestions based on the project’s context and style conventions.

Benefits of GitHub Copilot

  • Speeds up coding: Generates code suggestions and snippets, reducing typing time and effort.
  • Improves productivity: Helps you write code faster and more efficiently.
  • Enhances code quality: Suggests well-formatted, consistent code aligned with best practices.
  • Learns from your coding style: Adapts to your preferences and projects over time.
  • Provides alternative approaches: Offers different ways to solve problems, expanding your coding toolkit.
  • Helps with debugging: Can suggest fixes for common errors and potential issues.

Limitations of GitHub Copilot

  • Not a replacement for human expertise: It’s a tool to assist, not replace, human developers.
  • Requires careful review and testing: Generated code should be thoroughly reviewed and tested to ensure correctness and security.
  • Can sometimes produce repetitive or unoriginal code: May suggest common patterns without considering unique project needs.
  • Potential for bias: Could replicate biases present in its training data, requiring awareness and attention to diversity.

GitHub Copilot Pricing



Unlimited Public/Private Repositories

Automatic Security and Updates

2000 CI/CD Minutes/Month

500MB of Packages Storage – Free For Public Repositories

Issues & Projects

Community Support


  • GitHub Copilot Access
  • GitHub Codespaces Access



Everything included in Free, plus.

Access to GitHub Codespaces

3000 CI/CD Minutes/Month

2GBGB of Packages Storage

Web-Based Support

Protected Branches

Multiple Reviewers in Pull Requests

Draft Pull Requests

Code Owners

Requires Reviewers

Pages With Wikies



Everything included in Team, plus.

Manage Users

50000 CI/CD Minutes/Month

50GBGB of Packages Storage

Environment Protection Rules

User Provisioning Through SCIM

Repository Rules

SOC1, SOC2, type 2 Reports Annually

FedRamp Tailored Authority Of Operate

Single Sign On

Github Connect

2️⃣ Amazon CodeWhisperer

Amazon CodeWhisperer is an AI tool for coding that generates code suggestions in real-time, increasing developer efficiency.

It works with your IDE and command line to make suggestions based on your comments, current code, and natural language searches.

Benefits of Amazon CodeWhisperer

  • Increased speed: Generate code snippets or complete functions instantly, saving time and effort.
  • Reduced errors: CodeWhisperer analyzes existing code and suggests secure, bug-free options.
  • Improved efficiency: Focus on complex logic while CodeWhisperer handles routine tasks.
  • Learning aid: Explore new APIs and coding patterns with personalized recommendations.
  • Accessibility: Free tier available for individual developers, making it widely accessible.

Limitations of Amazon CodeWhisperer

  • Still under development: May not always generate perfect code or understand complex tasks.
  • Limited language support: Currently focuses on popular languages like Python and Java.
  • Security concerns: Sharing code with AI involves potential privacy risks.
  • Over-reliance: Relying too heavily on AI can hinder learning and problem-solving skills.

Amazon CodeWhisperer Pricing



In-line code suggestions

Public code filter and reference tracking

Amazon Q chat in IDE (preview)

Security vulnerability scanning and suggested remediations – 50/user/month

Command line integration



In-line code suggestions

Public code filter and reference tracking

Customizations for your organization (preview)

Amazon Q chat in IDE (preview)

Amazon Q feature development (preview)

Amazon Q Code Transformation (preview)

Security vulnerability scanning and suggested remediations -500/user/month

Organizational license and management

Command line integration

3️⃣ OpenAI Codex

Codex is a powerful AI coding tool from OpenAI that understands and generates code. It leverages natural language instructions and existing code to complete lines, functions, and even entire programs. Think of it as a coding assistant that speaks your language and seamlessly blends natural language with code.

Benefits of OpenAI Codex

  • Increased Productivity: Codex can automate repetitive tasks, suggest efficient implementations, and even write boilerplate code, freeing up your time for more complex problems.
  • Improved Creativity: By sparking new ideas and exploring different approaches, Codex can help you push the boundaries of your coding and break out of the rut.
  • Enhanced Learning: Codex can explain code, suggest relevant documentation, and answer your coding questions, accelerating your learning journey.
  • Accessibility: Codex makes coding more accessible to beginners and non-programmers by bridging the gap between natural language and programming concepts.

Limitations of OpenAI Codex

  • Accuracy: While impressive, Codex is still under development and can sometimes generate inaccurate or inefficient code. Careful review and testing are crucial.
  • Limited Scope: While proficient in over a dozen languages, Codex isn’t a universal translator. Its strength lies in mainstream languages like Python and JavaScript.
  • Misinterpretation: Like any AI, Codex can misinterpret your instructions or misunderstand context. Clear and concise communication is key.
  • Ethical Concerns: The potential for plagiarism and code misuse raised by code-generating AI requires careful consideration and responsible use.

OpenAI Codex Pricing

The exact pricing for Codex API requests has not yet been made public.
Based on current OpenAI API model pricing, here are some estimates:
Model text-davinci-003: $0.001 per 1,000 tokens

4️⃣ Tabnine

Tabnine is an AI coding assistant that speeds up your workflow and eliminates repetitive tasks.

It seamlessly integrates with popular IDEs, suggesting completions for code, functions, and even entire expressions based on the context of your current project and coding style.

Benefits of Tabnine

  • Increased Efficiency: By completing code snippets, automatically producing boilerplate code, and generating missing pieces of your code, Tabnine can save you time and effort.
  • Improved Accuracy: Tabnine learns from your code and adapts to your coding style, suggesting relevant and accurate completions that reduce errors and typos.
  • Enhanced Understanding: Tabnine can assist you with discovering new coding patterns and libraries by exposing you to various approaches to accomplishing the same result.
  • Better Team Collaboration: Tabnine can enforce consistent coding styles across your team, making code reviews easier and quicker.

Limitations of Tabnine

  • Code Quality: Although Tabnine suggests accurate completions, it’s important to review and confirm the generated code before accepting it.
  • Security Concerns: As an AI tool, Tabnine accesses your code. Make sure you trust the tool and understand its data privacy practices.
  • Limited Language Support: While Tabnine supports several popular programming languages, its capabilities may vary for each language.
  • Training Curve: For new developers, getting acclimated to Tabnine’s suggestions and workflow may take some time.

Pricing of Tabnine



Short code completions (2 to 3 words)

Community support



Best universal AI models -Up to 100 users

AI code completions:

  • Whole-line & full-function code completions
  • Natural language to code completions

Standard support


Contact Sales

Custom and private AI models -Unlimited users

Private deployment: On-prem or VPC
Your code stays entirely confidential and never leaves your environment.

Custom AI models
for completions of codes – customized for your code

In-IDE chatBeta
Get explanations for legacy code, create unit tests and documentation, and more.

Private AIcoming soon
Chat with your codebase and connect to your repos.

Single sign-on (SSO)

Premium support

Repository Rules

SOC1, SOC2, type 2 Reports Annually

FedRamp Tailored Authority Of Operate

Single Sign On

Github Connect

5️⃣ Sourcegraph

Sourcegraph is an advanced AI coding tool that provides developers with AI-powered code intelligence.

It indexes code from many sources and languages, allowing you to seamlessly search, explore, navigate, and understand code.

Benefits of Sourcegraph

  • Faster, more precise code search: Find anything in your codebase instantly, including symbols, functions, definitions, and usages. Escape keyword purgatory!
  • Deeper code understanding: Explore code relationships, visualize dependencies, and discover patterns for better decision-making and improved architecture.
  • Enhanced developer productivity: Navigate complex codebases with ease, reuse existing code confidently, and debug issues more efficiently.
  • Automated code insights: Leverage AI to uncover code smells, security vulnerabilities, and potential optimization opportunities.
  • Centralized knowledge hub: Foster collaboration and knowledge sharing across teams by providing a unified platform for exploring and understanding code.

Limitations of Sourcegraph

  • Complexity: Sourcegraph’s power comes with a learning curve. Setting up and customizing can be daunting for beginners.
  • Scalability: While suitable for large codebases, managing and indexing extensive code ecosystems can require significant resources.
  • Integration: Integrating Sourcegraph seamlessly with existing workflows and tools can be challenging.

Sourcegraph Pricing



500 Autocompletions per month

20 Messages and Commands per month

Code context and personalization for small codebases

LLM Support
Default LLMs for Chat, Commands, and Autocomplete

VS Code, JetBrains, IDEs, and NeoVim
All major coding languages
Many human language support
All major code hosts

-Community support through Discord


Free until Feb 2024

No credit card needed

Unlimited Autocompletions

Unlimited Messages and Commands

Code context and Personalization for larger codebases

LLM Support
Multiple LLM choices for chat
, Default LLMs for Commands and Autocomplete

VS Code, JetBrains, IDEs, and NeoVim
All major coding languages

Community support through Discord


Coming Soon

Unlimited Autocompletions

Unlimited Messages and Commands

Code context and personalization -Advanced personalization for enterprise codebases

LLM Support

Flexible LLM choices

  • Bring your own LLM keyexperimental
  • Bring your own LLMcoming soon

Enterprise Features

  • Everything in Pro plus…
  • Enterprise support
  • Flexible deployment options
  • Security and administrative features for enterprises (SSO, SAML, SCIM, Audit Logs, etc.)
  • Guardrailscoming soon

6️⃣ Replit

Replit is a AI coding tool that lets you develop, run, and collaborate on projects fully in your browser.

There is no need for any downloads, installations, or complicated settings. Replit supports hundreds of programming languages and frameworks, making it adaptable to a wide range of coding tasks.

Benefits of Replit

  • Accessibility: Replit’s browser-based platform removes barriers to entry by not requiring software downloads or powerful hardware. Code on-the-go from any device with a web browser.
  • Ease of Use: Replit’s intuitive interface simplifies coding for beginners and offers powerful features for experienced developers. Pre-built templates and tutorials further cater to different skill levels.
  • Collaboration: Replit enables real-time collaboration on projects with friends or colleagues. Work together on code, debug issues, and share ideas seamlessly.
  • AI-powered features: Replit utilizes AI to improve your coding experience. Get context-aware suggestions, complete code snippets, and debug errors with the help of AI assistants.
  • Versatility: Replit supports a vast range of languages and frameworks, making it suitable for web development, game development, data science, machine learning, and more.
  • Community: Replit fosters a vibrant community of coders with forums, tutorials, and challenges. Learn from others, share your expertise, and get help when needed.

Limitations of Replit

  • Resource limitations: Free Replits have limited resources and can be slower than paid plans.
  • Offline development: Replit requires an internet connection to function.
  • Customization: While customizable, Replit’s IDE may not offer the same level of customization as traditional desktop IDEs.
  • Advanced features: Some advanced features like database integration and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) are only available on paid plans.

Replit Pricing



Basic workspace

Limited access to Replit AI

Community support

Replit Core


Unlimited basic responses for AI chat

Access to advanced AI model

More powerful workspace

Unlimited private projects

Member support


Custom Pricing

Everything in the membership

Centralized billing and customized pricing

Whiteglove onboarding and dedicated support

Collaboration tools (integration with Git)

Access control and security

7️⃣ AskCodi

AskCodi is an AI coding tool that is made to improve your coding experience. It integrates artificial intelligence capabilities with traditional tools to provide a comprehensive platform for developers of all skill levels.

Benefits of Askcodi

  • Increased Productivity: Generate code snippets, complete repetitive tasks, and write unit tests automatically, freeing your time for more complex challenges.
  • Improved Code Quality: AskCodi lints your code and suggests improvements to style and efficiency, leading to cleaner and more maintainable code.
  • Faster Learning: Get instant help with coding queries through interactive workbooks and real-time chat with coding experts.
  • Multi-language Support: Works with over 50 programming languages, making it a versatile tool for diverse projects.
  • Seamless Integration: Available as a web app and integrates with popular IDEs like VS Code and PyCharm for a smooth workflow.

Limitations of of Askcodi

  • AI-Generated Code: While useful, AI-generated code might require further analysis and testing to ensure accuracy and fit for purpose.
  • Complexity Barrier: For complex tasks or advanced concepts, human expertise might still be required.
  • Pricing Plans: Depending on your needs, some features might be limited in the free plan, requiring paid subscriptions.

Askcodi Pricing


$249 room/year

Book & manage meetings

Modern Outlook add-in

Mobile app for booking

Grid view for all bookings

Meeting dashboards

Basic support

Native Exchange integration

SSO & AD user management

Utilization insights

Desks $72/year



All Essentials features

Service requests via Outlook

Connecting service teams

Custom automated workflows

Business rules and deadlines

Business rules and deadlines

Export data & API access

Customized reporting

Check-lists for services

Desks $144/year

8️⃣ Codiga

Codiga is an extensive code analysis and support tool for all levels of developers. It has a number of tools for analyzing code quality, automating code reviews, recommending fixes, and providing snippets for speedier development.

Benefits of Codiga

  • Improved code quality: Codiga scans your code for errors, vulnerabilities, and security risks, helping you write clean and maintainable code.
  • Faster development: Code snippets, auto-completion, and context-aware suggestions speed up your coding process.
  • Automated code reviews: Save time and ensure consistent quality by automating code review tasks.
  • Better team collaboration: Share reusable code snippets and insights with your team to improve overall codebase health.
  • Integrations: Works with various IDEs, online editors, Git platforms, and CI/CD pipelines for seamless integration into your workflow.

Limitations of Codiga

  • Limited free plan: Basic functionality, limited languages, and no team features.
  • Focus on specific languages: Strong support for popular languages like Python, JavaScript, and Java, but limited support for others.
  • May not catch all issues: Static code analysis can miss some complex problems and requires human input for final judgement.

Codiga Pricing

Free Plan


including 10 code analyses per day.

Good for individual developers or small teams who want to try out the platform.

Silver Plan


100+ code analyses per day.

All features of the Free Plan, plus additional features like advanced code reviews and custom rules.

Good for small teams or individual developers who need more than the Free Plan offers.

Gold Plan


Unlimited code analyses.

All features of the Silver Plan, plus additional features like priority support and access to beta features.

Good for larger teams or organizations who need the most comprehensive set of features.

9️⃣ Mutable AI

Mutable AI is a AI coding tool driven by AI that intends to change coding by speeding up development, enhancing quality, and increasing developer productivity.

Benefits of Mutable AI

  • AI Autocomplete: Say goodbye to tedious boilerplate coding and repetitive tasks. Mutable AI suggests relevant code snippets to complete your lines for faster prototyping.
  • One-click Production-Ready Code: Transform prototypes into production-quality code with one click. This automates tasks like refactoring, adding documentation, and type annotations.
  • Prompt-driven Development: Tell the AI what you want to achieve with your code, and it will modify existing code or generate new code to fulfill your instructions.
  • Seamless Integration: Mutable AI works with popular development environments like VS Code, Jupyter, and GitHub, blending seamlessly into your existing workflow.
  • Codebase Chat & Semantic Search: Engage in a natural language conversation with your entire codebase to understand its functionality and find information easily.

Limitations of Mutable AI

  • Black Box Effect: Understanding the reasoning behind the AI’s suggestions can be challenging, potentially hampering deep code comprehension.
  • Limited Language Support: Currently, Mutable AI primarily supports Python and Javascript, with other languages planned for future releases.
  • Privacy Concerns: Some users might be hesitant about uploading their codebase to the cloud for AI processing.

Mutable AI Pricing



Manual Suggestions

500 Codebase chat & search queries

50 Multifile edit calls

All platforms: VS Code + JetBrains + WebApp + CLI

Codebase Pro


Automatic suggestions

10,000 Codebase chat & search queries

1,000 Multifile edit calls

All platforms: VS Code + JetBrains + WebApp + CLI

Up to 40k tokens or four medium-sized codebases with up to four teammates can be used for Auto Standup.

Codebase Elite


Automatic suggestions

10,000 Codebase chat & search queries

1,000 Multifile edit calls

All platforms: VS Code + JetBrains + WebApp + CLI

(up to 25 colleagues’ updates and up to 10 medium-sized codebases) Auto Standup

Up to 1 million tokens or ten medium-sized codebases every month can be auto-bugged.


Contact Sales

All features

AI based Integration Testing + Dashboard

Enterprise support & training

Fine Tuning

On Prem Functionality

How to choose the right AI tool for coding?

Choosing the right AI tool for coding depends on several factors, such as:

  • The type of coding task you want to accomplish, such as code completion, code generation, code analysis, code documentation, etc.
  • The programming language and framework you are using, such as Python, JavaScript, Java, C#, etc.
  • The level of accuracy and verbosity you expect from the generated code, such as high, medium, or low.
  • The mode of use you prefer, such as cloud-based, browser-based, or IDE-based.
  • The pricing and availability of the tool, such as free, paid, open-source, or closed-source.

Will AI replace programmers?

No, AI won’t replace programmers. It’ll automate many segments of human word, but creativity, problem-solving, and understanding user needs are uniquely human skills that will remain crucial. The future is about programmers working with AI, not being replaced by it.


In conclusion, AI coding tools will be at the the forefront of a new era in the technology world of 2024. OpenAI Codex, Amazon CodeWhisperer, and GitHub Copilot are three examples of how AI is revolutionizing programming.

They improve the quality of the code while also speeding up coding processes. It’s important to understand, nevertheless, that despite their great value, these instruments cannot replace human knowledge.

Programming will be shaped by a cooperative dance between human creativity and artificial intelligence support. Using these AI coding tools can lead to unparalleled innovation in this dynamic period where artificial intelligence and human ingenuity coexist together.

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Emily Kate Avatar

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