The 9 Best AI Sales Tools to Use in 2024

Emily Kate Avatar
Elevate your sales game with the Best AI Sales Tools in 2024. Streamline processes and boost efficiency for unprecedented success.

[ Best AI Tools For Sales ] Have you ever thought about how artificial intelligence could transform your sales strategy?

Think about using cutting-edge AI tools to boost efficiency, improve processes, and skyrocket sales. In the world of business today, staying ahead isn’t just a plus; it’s a must.

This post shows you the “Best AI Tools for Sales”—a complete guide that will help your sales team do their job better and raise the level of your business.

Lets Learn about the AI Sales tools that can change the way you make sales, from smart lead generation to predictive analytics.

What Are AI Sales Tools?

AI sales tools are software applications and platforms that use AI technologies to enhance and streamline various stages of the sales process. These tools were developed to assist sales teams in making better choices, increasing team efficiency, and ultimately increasing revenue.

What Are The Benefits of Using AI Sales Tools?

There are lot of benefits in using AI tools for sales:

Predictive lead scoring: This method makes use of machine learning algorithms to study customer signals and give each lead a score that represents how ready they are for sales.

Sentiment analysis: Finds pain points or opportunities in sales talks by analyzing both positive and negative sentiment.

Smart email generation: This feature automatically writes the first sales emails and offers personalized content.

Conversation intelligence: Records and transcribes sales calls and meetings and gives you information based on what you hear.

Virtual agents or chatbots: These are computers that can answer simple questions and screen leads 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Data enrichment: This feature gets more information about leads and accounts from outside sources so that profiles can be better.

Sales workflow automation: Keeps track of dull sales jobs and plans the best way to do things.

Sales Coaching and Alerts: Gives feedback in real time during meetings and talks to make them more useful.

Predictive analytics: Finds patterns in data and uses them to guess what will happen with sales.

Automatic documentation: Keeps track of deals and conversations and enters important information into CRM.

Competitive intelligence: It tells you about the products, prices, and positions of your competitors.

List Of Best AI Tools For Sales in 2024

1️⃣ Salesforce Einstein

 Best AI Sales Tools - Salesforce Einstein

Salesforce Einstein also referred to as Sales Cloud Einstein, is a solution that functions as your data science department. It learns from your sales team’s activities and CRM data to increase sales productivity.

Features of Salesforce Einstein

  • Lead scoring and predictive lead ranking to prioritize sales prospects
  • Automated forecasts based on historical data patterns
  • Insights on when to engage prospects at the optimal time
  • Recommendations for next best actions for closing deals
  • Einstein Vision can take writing and things out of pictures.
  • Einstein Bots allow creation of conversational chatbots

Limitations of Salesforce Einstein

  • Requires large amounts of quality CRM data for accurate insights
  • Focused on business use cases vs. general AI capabilities
  • Integrates best with Salesforce tools vs. third-party apps
  • Advanced Einstein features require extra costs and licensing

Salesforce Einstein Reviews and Ratings

Salesforce Einstein Pricing

Einstein Predictions


  • Einstein Prediction Builder 
  • Einstein Discovery 

CRM Analytics


  • Sales Analytics and Service Analytics 
  • Analytics Studio 
  • Data Platform

CRM Analytics Plus


  • Every aspect of CRM Analytics and Einstein Predictions
  • Einstein Discovery for Reports 

Revenue Int

$ 220/User/Month

  • Every feature available in CRM Analytics, CRM Analytics Plus, and Einstein Predictions
  • Revenue Insights 


 Best AI Sales Tools  - is an AI sales tool to get conversation intelligence. It uses artificial intelligence to analyze sales calls, extract key insights, and provide coaching to improve rep performance.

Features of

  • Automated call recording, transcription, and analysis
  • Sales conversation insights through natural language processing
  • Identification of competitive advantages and missed opportunities
  • AI-powered sales coaching and enhancement of pitches
  • This CRM platform is simple to set up and works with many famous ones.

Limitations of

  • Focus is solely on sales call analytics vs broader capabilities
  • Large volume of call data needed for maximum insights
  • Analysis is sometimes inaccurate for complex call topics
  • Can be perceived as excessive surveillance without proper change management Reviews and Ratings Pricing



 Best AI Sales Tools   -

Chorus is an AI tool for sales teams to acquire conversation intelligence. It uses AI to analyze sales calls, highlight key moments, and provide coaching to optimize pitches. leverages AI specifically for sales call analysis, training, and coaching to improve sales team performance and processes. The conversation intelligence focus makes it a popular choice.

Features of

  • Call recording, transcription, and conversation analytics
  • Insights into customer needs, objections, and competitors
  • Identification of best practices from top performers
  • AI-powered guidance for more effective sales conversations
  • Integration with leading CRM and sales tools

Limitations of

  • Mainly focused on sales call analytics vs. broader capabilities
  • Large volume of call data required for maximum accuracy
  • Potential privacy concerns around extensive call monitoring
  • Coaching is based on past data so may lag emerging trends Reviews and Ratings Pricing



Own your market

  • Reliable email addresses, phone numbers (direct call) and cell phone numbers
  • Business intelligence and indications of purchase intent
  • Apps and integrations for engagement

Market OS


Turn leads into pipeline

  • Crucial contact information and sophisticated business knowledge
  • Digital marketing solutions including form management, website chat, and display advertising
  • Simple and adaptable integrations



Hit hiring goals

  • Enhanced candidate finding with precise contact information
  • Obtaining information through company scoops and candidate alerts
  • Integrations and apps for engagement


 Best AI Sales Tools - is a AI sales tool that uses AI to optimize the sales workflow and outbound processes. Key capabilities include email sequencing, dialer integration, and analytics.

Features of

  • Automated multichannel outreach via email, phone, and social
  • Optimization of outreach sequencing based on AI insights
  • Sales activity capture without manual data entry
  • Analysis of email engagement and campaign effectiveness
  • Integration with Salesforce and other CRMs

Limitations of

  • Main focus is outbound sales processes vs. full sales cycle
  • Requires large volume of data for maximum personalization
  • Email deliverability challenges if not properly managed
  • Seen as spammy if personalized outreach is overdone Reviews and Ratings Pricing



Comprises every necessary feature for opening and closing a pipeline.

  • Complete processes for front-line teams
  • Manager access to deals, pipeline, sales activities, and projection
  • Access to APIs, platform integrations, and premium support



Provide leaders and sales managers with additional information

  • Use AI-powered transaction scoring to identify hazardous deals early.
  • Using AI-triggered live content cards, expand sales coaching.
  • Gain a deep understanding of buyer interactions by using call themes and responses recognized by AI.
  • Utilize templates to scale sales processes.
  • Boost forecast precision with pipeline analytics and modeling
  • Emitting assistance

5️⃣ Conversica

 Best AI Sales Tools  - Conversica

Conversica is an AI Sales platform made specifically for building virtual sales assistants and chatbots for usage in various sales processes. Prospects are drawn into these assistants’ conversations in a really genuine way.

Features of Conversica

  • 24/7 automated lead engagement and follow up
  • Qualifies sales leads through conversational questionnaires
  • Appointment scheduling and integration with calendars
  • Insights from conversation analytics to optimize sequences
  • Customizable AI to represent brand personalities

Limitations of Conversica

  • Scope limited to conversational AI vs. broader sales capabilities
  • May require large training data sets for highly customized AI
  • Virtual assistants lack advanced contextual understanding

Conversica Reviews and Ratings

Conversica Pricing

Conversica serves enterprise-level clients with varying requirements and scales, hence their pricing is not published. However, I can provide you the general information below about their pricing structure:

6️⃣ Clari AI

 Best AI Sales Tools  - Clari AI

Clari uses AI tool for sales forecasts, opportunity insights, and pipeline analytics. To that end, it seeks to boost prediction precision and detect revenue concerns. Due to its predictive qualities, it is useful for data-driven sales teams.

Features of Clari AI

  • Automated forecasting based on historical trends
  • Identification of at-risk deals and accounts
  • Insights to address pipeline health risks
  • Recommendations for optimizing sales processes
  • Integration with leading CRM platforms

Limitations of Clari AI

  • Focused specifically on forecasting vs. broader sales capabilities
  • Requires large volumes of quality CRM data
  • Less customizable than some proprietary AI tools
  • Adoption requires change management for sales processes

Clari AI Reviews and Ratings

Clari Pricing

Clari does not publicly disclose its pricing information on its website because their product is customized to meet the demands of each individual customer. Nonetheless, the following is what to anticipate based on the information that is now available and comparisons with comparable platforms:

7️⃣ People AI

 Best AI Sales Tools  - People AI is a revenue-generating artificial intelligence platform for businesses. It assists sales, marketing, and customer success teams in identifying each income potential from each customer.

Features of People AI

  • Automatic capture of sales activity across channels
  • Insights into team and individual performance
  • Identification of process bottlenecks and inefficiencies
  • Recommendations for improving sales productivity
  • Integration with Salesforce and other CRMs

Limitations of People AI

  • Mainly focused on sales analytics vs broader capabilities
  • Requires large amounts of quality activity data for maximum value
  • Adoption forces sellers to change how they do things and how they act.
  • Privacy concerns around extensive activity monitoring

People AI Reviews and Ratings

People AI Pricing

Similar to Clari, customizes their pricing according to specific demands and configurations while maintaining privacy.

8️⃣ Drift AI

 Best AI Sales Tools  - Drift AI

Drift is a conversational marketing and AI sales platform, that lets you use chatbots and live chat to interact with buyers.

Drift provides AI specifically for conversational experiences including chatbots for sales engagement. The live chat and bots make it easy to interact with prospects.

Features of Drift AI

  • Chatbots for lead qualification and FAQ answering
  • Real-time support and live chat for sales reps
  • Conversation intelligence to analyze interactions
  • Lead scoring based on engagement and behaviors
  • Integration with popular marketing and sales tools

Limitations of Drift AI

  • Main capabilities around conversational AI vs. full sales suite
  • Chatbots lack advanced contextual understanding
  • Potential over-reliance on chatbots instead of human touchpoints
  • Lead quality depends heavily on chatbot configuration

Drift AI Reviews and Ratings

Drift AI Pricing



Key Features Include:

  • Live Chat 
  • Meetings 
  • Custom Chatbots 
  • Intel 
  • Real-Time Notifications 
  • Conversational Landing Pages



Everything in Premium, plus:

  • Fastlane 
  • Audiences 
  • A/B Testing 
  • Flex Routing 



Custom with access to:

  • Workspaces 
  • AI-Powered Chatbots 
  • Custom RBAC

9️⃣ SalesLoft

 Best AI Sales Tools - SalesLoft

SalesLoft provides an AI-powered sales engagement platform. Key features include automated outreach, workflow automation, and analytics.

Features of SalesLoft

  • Automated lead engagement through personalized campaigns
  • Intelligent virtual assistant for managing outreach
  • Optimization of sales cadences based on insights
  • Activity tracking without manual entry in CRM
  • Integration with popular CRM and sales tools

Limitations of SalesLoft

  • Automation of outbound sales is the main goal, not the whole suite.
  • Requires large amounts of data for maximum personalization
  • Email deliverability challenges if sender reputation not managed
  • Adoption requires changes to existing sales processes

SalesLoft Reviews and Ratings

SalesLoft Pricing



  • Pipeline Generation: Engagement analytics, pipeline performance, and automated structured workflows
  • Representative Coaching: Customized representative insights, team trends, and seller growth advice.



Everything in Essentials, plus:

  • Whole Lifecycle Processes for Customers: Complete processes for closing deals, moving the pipeline forward, and raising customer lifetime value
  • Conversational Skill: The seller workflow incorporates call recording, transcription, and analytics.
  • Opportunity Management: Prospecting to conversion through pipeline visibility and deal intelligence



Everything in Advance, plus:

  • Revenue Management and Forecasting: Roll-up, submission, and AI-driven next steps for automatic forecasts

How to Choose The Right AI Tool for Sales?

Choosing the correct AI tool for sales might be difficult, but with a strong focus on your requirements, you can find the ideal fit.

  1. Establish your objectives: What do you hope to achieve with AI? Sales forecasting, lead generating, or greater client engagement? Align your tool with precise objectives.
  2. Think about your workflow: Integrate the AI solution with your current CRM and sales processes. Avoid cumbersome add-ons that impede your workflow.
  3. Prioritize data quality: In AI, garbage in, garbage out. For dependable insights and effective predictions, make sure your data is clean, correct, and relevant.
  4. Prioritize user adoption: Select an AI product that is simple to learn and utilize for your sales team. A complicated interface will stymie adoption and ROI.
  5. Don’t over-automate: While AI is powerful, it should not be used to replace human contact. Concentrate on tools that will help your sales team’s talents and decision-making.

Bonus tip: Begin small and work your way up. Before investing on a whole suite, try out a single AI tool for a specific purpose.

List Of Inspiring Stories of Companies Using AI Tools for Sales

Here is a list of inspiring stories of companies using AI tools to improve their sales processes and results:

✅ Twitter leveraged conversation intelligence and increased qualified pipeline generation by 30%.

✅ Freshworks used Conversica AI assistants for lead engagement and improved response rate by over 160%.

✅ Square implemented Salesforce Einstein predictive lead scoring and increased lead conversion rates by over 200%.

✅ After Verizon started using Clari AI forecasts, mistakes in predictions dropped by more than 20%.

✅ Cisco adopted call analytics for sales training and saw 15% more closed deals.

✅ SoundCloud used call analysis to refine pitches and increase customer renewal rates.

✅ Shopify embedded Drift chatbots for lead qualification and 30% of leads booked demos.

✅ MongoDB implemented sequences and increased productivity by 34% in 3 months.

Final Thoughts

Now you can easily decide Best AI Tools for Sales in 2023 as per your need . The predictive capabilities of Salesforce Einstein and the conversational intelligence of are just two examples of how these technologies are changing the face of lead generation and streamlining operations.

In addition to the features themselves, the success of the integration depends on proper planning, extensive user training, and proper alignment with current systems.

The success stories of these companies show how these innovations have boosted their sales processes.

If you tackle this technology shift strategically, you may lead your organization into a bright future of higher productivity and more revenues.

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